Sunday, June 29, 2008

I'm finally back from the desert and I've hit the ground running. I'm moving tomorrow and will probably be busy for awhile but I wanted to share a photo from my trip, and then I kept a journal while over there so I'll post some of that up soon. Enjoy my embarrassment. ;)

It was 'Top Gun Flight,' I had to do it.

Friday, April 11, 2008

leaving on a jet plane

So I'm leaving tomorrow for another deployment, my 5th in less than 18 months. It's a bit excessive but I still like I'm paying my dues to earn more time at home. Not that that's really earning anything. The perk to the job is being able to travel and actually do the job in an operational capacity. I'm not entirely sure that I'll have access to blogging while I'm out there so if I don't update for awhile you'll know why. And when I get back I'll just do one massive blog or something. Feel free to email me. I'm off for another adventure.

Here's the last sunrise I saw there. Many more to come.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

me no dumb

So since I destroyed my first laptop's windows capabilities, I decided to try something new and have uploaded Linux onto my other laptop. It's a learning process but I'm really starting to like some of the features. For one thing, it's a lot faster and more minimalistic. Maybe having it as my only computer wouldn't be good, but I think having it to switch to is going to be nice.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

dumb i am

I'm a smart guy right? At least smart enough to have a blog. Then why did I just delete the Windows XP entire freakin' operating system off of my old laptop? I'm in the process of putting Vista on it, pray that it works. I'll post results later.


In my attempt to make myself completely 'perfect,' I have resorted to taking a dietary supplement. Now normally for my workout I'll just drink a Slim Fast for lunch or something and maybe jog from my car when it rains. But since I'm going to the desert and I'll have so much time on my hands, I figure it's time to actually take something real and try a more 'productive' workout.

So I introduce to you, 'Black Powder.' (yes, I've resulted to Pirate tactics to get my muscles to be more explosive)

pirate dog

Lets just hope I don't lose a leg (or gain a hook).

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It's Weird that it's not Weird

I've been preparing for this next deployment for a few days now and usually I get a little anxious by now. I just think it's a little weird that it's not weird. Shouldn't I be freaked out that I won't have my cell phone or be able to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night without walking fifty yards to the caddy? (a cadillac is a bathroom in the desert, don't ask me why)

But I'm not and I guess I should stop thinking about it or I might actually get freaked a bit.

Fwd: photos

I found an old email from a photographer I met while in school near New Orleans. She's based out of New York and happened to be in town visiting a friend. She took my picture as part of a project she was working on showing the faces of people in uniform, from nurses and doctors to kids who work at taco bell. It was a wonderful experience and it'd definetely be cool to do something like that again in the future.

check out her collection:

Hi Jeff,

I hope this email finds you well.

Attached are some photos from our shoot. It was fun meeting you and taking your pictures.
I will be in touch with you as the project progresses.

Good luck with all of your endeavors.
